Manuscript proofreading for authors
If you're an author looking to self-publish an error-free manuscript or simply polish your writing before you approach an agent or publisher, I can help. My experience with self-published authors both directly and through publishing houses spans historical fiction, YA fiction, crime thriller, fantasy, memoir, crisis memoir, short stories, poetry, and non-fiction (art, cooking). Check out my latest work here.
You'll get a fast turnaround and a thorough check of your manuscript. My clients find me easy to work with, and most of my work comes from repeat business.
Get in touch at victoria@dotsandcrosses.co.nz to receive a no-obligation quote and a complimentary sample proofread of up to five pages (12 pt. type, double-spaced).
Associate Member of IPEd (Australia/NZ) and Entry Level Member of CIEP (UK, formerly SfEP). UK, US, and Australian English.